You want to exchange your business documents in real time with your customers, suppliers and partners? Artéva implements an API connector to connect all the information systems and digital platforms involved in your B2B exchange project.
The acronym API stands for “Application Programme Interface”. As the name suggests, it is an interface that allows two software, information systems or applications to communicate via the Internet. Exchanges are in real time and automated
APIs allow to facilitate access to the services of an application without having to develop a very complex program.
They act as interfaces through which queries and data pass.
This makes the API an effective, low-cost solution that is in keeping with the times. Indeed, production and integration costs are particularly interesting. APIs are quickly implemented, because they are relatively easy to program.
Collaborative digital platforms are increasingly popular among companies that want to exchange data in real time and communicate across borders. With the advent of these platforms, APIs (Application Programming Interface) have developed. They are the main exchange protocol used to connect platforms. Nowadays, we talk about “plateformisation” of exchanges: we are witnessing a strong expansion of the connectivity domains and web services.
Artéva is fully in line with this trend by offering you to take charge of your API project through Orchestrade®, a digital B2B platform that we have developed to meet your digital business needs.
The API allows for the use of a program without having to look at the complex operation that an application can have. APIs can be used to obtain invoice data without knowing the software that created it. They are now found in operating systems, SaaS applications, software, CRM or ERP (including SAP for example), databases, graphics, open data…
The design of an API is generally based on web standards in order to be able to use the internet for remote interaction, and therefore usually on a different computer than the one that makes the request.
Client case
Some of our industry customers need to be connected in real time to e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon, Cdiscount or Zalando… These marketplaces owe their success to the referencing of a large number of suppliers, which is made possible by the provision of standard API connectors.
The Orchestrade® platform allows our clients to communicate in a uniform way with all these APIs and to handle all exchange scenarios with marketplaces: flows, warehouses (stocks, expected receipt, movements…), order processing, invoicing.
We can think of APIs as a modern version of EDI. It is not the same technology and the expected benefits, but some projects can indeed go through API rather than traditional EDI. So what are the differences between these two exchange protocols?
We take into account the business processes that are specific to your company to offer you the API solution that corresponds to your real needs.
Depending on the types of connection expected by your partner platforms and your information system, we set up API connectors for your real-time business data exchanges.
You want to exchange with all your partners today, whether or not they have an information system, via APIs? Tell us about your project.
Through this FAQ, explore all the essential questions that will guide you through the world of API connectors.
A protocol was developed to standardize the exchange of information, and thus the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) emerged. These APIs use an XML message format that allows to standardize the information exchanged between connectors of applications programmed in sometimes different languages. Later, another simpler normalization, REST (Representational State Transfer), appeared. The APIs that use it are more numerous and are called RESTful, they generally respect the following constraints: a client-server architecture, a server without state, a cache memory, a system with layers, code on demand and a uniform interface. The common standard for defining these APIs is the OpenAPI specification.
Although the two can be used as a means of communication, a web service allows interaction between two computers connected to a network, while an API serves as an interface between two different applications to allow them to communicate with each other.
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