Our electronic signature offer

The value of electronic signatures? Ensure that a digital file has real tax and legal value, just like a manuscript file.


Why set up electronic signature of your documents?

The electronic signature authenticates the author of a file and proves that it has not been modified or altered. You can therefore dematerialize all your commercial and accounting documents: invoices, purchase orders, quotes… and save considerable time since everything can be done remotely in a few seconds, without sending mail. To start signing your contracts electronically, call on Artéva !

Sign all your business documents with the Artéva offer

Artéva offers this service in the context of document exchanges between business partners (B2B).

Drop the PDF files to sign on the B2B portal we give you access to
Invite all signatories to log in
Sign by validating your signature by entering a unique code received by SMS

Finalize your digital transformation by signing or co-signing any type of documents

Signed documents can be downloaded and archived for 10 years by Artéva or deposited on your cloud space. In addition, we can integrate the electronic signature module into your applications thanks to our simple and secure API.

Our application integrates perfectly with the Orchestrade platform (to which we give you access) for a complete and centralized management of all your dematerialized exchanges.


Orchestrade®a solution edited by Artéva

Beyond the processing of invoices with electronic signature, the Orchestrade® platform extends to all your invoices regardless of the security mode chosen: structured format, electronic signature, reliable audit trail. Our solution guarantees perfect compliance with tax regulations.

It is also an opportunity for you to pool and centralize all your B2B exchanges on a single platform. For better monitoring, you have a console to monitor all your business flows that can be extended to all your subsidiaries.

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