Dematerialization of customer invoicing – sales

Reap the full benefits of digital transformation by dematerializing your entire customer billing. The solution offered by Artéva optimizes your processing processes and guarantees a reduction in costs, regulatory compliance and a significant improvement of the traceability of your invoicing.


What is customer invoicing dematerialization?

The dematerialization of customer invoices allows the replacement of paper invoices in electronic formats and the secure transmission of invoices by mail, in full compliance with tax standards. This transition, which aims above all to reduce administrative costs, allows you to have a better visibility of the process of transmission of invoices, and thus reduce payment deadlines.

The benefits of dematerializing sales invoices – customers

The digitalization and automation of customer invoice processing optimize your Order to Cash process.

Centralize the management of your customer billing

The centralization of invoice processing and transmission, regardless of the mode of transmission (Email, Mail, private EDI or Chorus Pro) makes it possible to considerably simplify the management of billing anomalies, reminders, etc.

Ensure the traceability of customer invoices

An electronic invoice has end-to-end tracking. The issuer can know whether they are received invoices or not. The platform proposed by Artéva generalizes this vision on all modes of transmission

Lighten the workload of your teams

This improvement in human resources allows for innovation and expansion of your business. Teams can focus on high value-added activities.

Achieving financial savings by eliminating paper

The elimination of printing, packaging and postage costs allow a saving between 5 and 10 €.

Ensure your customer billing is compliant with regulations

This transition ensures that financial transactions remain transparent and secure while meeting regulatory requirements.

To see its benefits in action

Call on our experts to discuss your bill dematerialization projects.


Orchestrade®, Order-to-Cash cycle digitalization solution

Our SaaS-based B2B digital platform Orchestrade® O2C simplifies the work of your ADV team by automating and centralizing all your sales invoicing. Fully interfaced with your billing software, our solution integrates perfectly with your information system.

The dematerialization on a single, centralized platform drastically simplifies the management of your invoicing: all your invoices are immediately accessible, and you have complete visibility and speeds up processing. , reduces manual interventions, improves transmission reliability, optimizes and strengthens relationships with your customers.

Improve your customers’ satisfaction by offering them a billing adapted to their requirements: mail transmission, mail, deposit with an electronic invoicing provider; our solution takes care of all this for you. The perfect visibility you have on the complete processing process including transmission allows your teams to be proactive in correcting a routing data, the destination email address, etc.

The dematerialization of your sales invoices increases productivity by automating or simplifying time-consuming tasks, allowing your team to focus on higher value activities.

Our e-invoicing portal simplifies your customer interactions

The Orchestrade® O2C B2B platform meets all your customer invoice dematerialization requirements. It allows you to include all your customers in your project of digitizing incoming invoices, regardless of the format or platform they require to receive their invoices. Our portal also gives them access to their invoices and online payment.

Universal electronic customer billing platform

Our Orchestrade platform automates your entire customer billing, regardless of the technologies your customers require. We support all outbound invoice formats: Factur-X, EDIFACT, XML, signed PDF, and also Paper (via the editorial center).

Connect to customer platforms

Our SaaS Orchestrade service is connected to all market operators and buying platforms (packaged as B2Apps). The digitization of your customer billing is therefore immediately operational, for all your customers.

A collaborative web portal at your service

Using a B2B portal dedicated to the consultation of invoices by your customers and their payment greatly reduces the workload of your sales administration team: customers can access directly to all their billing history with a single click.

Legal archiving and reliable audit trail

Artéva offers as a standard the electronic archiving of your invoices for a period of 10 years, to guarantee you perfect compliance with tax and even commercial law. The electronic signature on your PDF invoices or transmission of invoices in a structured format will considerably simplify the implementation of your Reliable Audit Trail.

Everything you need to know about the dematerialization of customer invoicing

Through this FAQ, explore all the essential questions that will guide you through the world of electronic invoicing with your customers.

La dématérialisation des factures clients représente une réelle opportunité d'économies pour les entreprises. Pour calculer le retour sur investissement (ROI), il est essentiel de débuter par une estimation précise des coûts associés aux factures papier, incluant la création, l'édition, la mise sous pli, l'affranchissement, et l'archivage. Ensuite, il convient de comparer ces coûts avec ceux des factures électroniques, en tenant compte des avantages significatifs tels que la rapidité de transmission, l'accès simplifié aux documents originaux et aux duplicatas, ainsi que la traçabilité exhaustive des transactions.

La réforme de la loi sur la facturation électronique de 2026 prévoit un calendrier d'entrée en vigueur progressive basé sur la taille des entreprises assujetties à la TVA en France, évaluée selon des critères comme le nombre de salariés et le chiffre d'affaires.

Evaluez vos besoins en gestion de facturation et recherchez la solution à travers les services Artéva, offrant des fonctionnalités adaptées à votre entreprise. Comparez ensuite les options disponibles en termes de sécurité et d’utilisation pour votre équipe.

Artéva offre une plateforme SaaS complète pour la facturation électronique client, compatible avec tous les formats de factures sortantes, y compris Factur-X, EDIFACT, XML, PDF signé et papier via centre éditique. Grâce à Orchestrade, vous bénéficiez d'une connexion rapide aux plateformes numériques de vos clients, facilitant la digitalisation rapide de votre processus de facturation. Un portail web B2B dédié permet le dépôt, le suivi et la consultation des factures, ainsi que la mise en place d'un monitoring pour les projets full EDI. Artéva assure également l'archivage électronique conforme aux normes fiscales pendant 10 ans et la signature électronique des PDF, garantissant leur validité juridique avec une piste d'audit fiable.

La dématérialisation des factures clients offre à votre entreprise de nombreux avantages stratégiques. En réduisant les coûts internes et en accélérant les processus de paiement, elle dépasse la simple automatisation pour conférer une véritable valeur juridique à vos documents. La facturation électronique permet non seulement de raccourcir les délais de transmission des factures, facilitant ainsi un paiement rapide, mais aussi de garantir la conformité des données et des mentions légales obligatoires. En libérant vos équipes des tâches manuelles comme la mise sous pli et l'envoi, vous les recentrez sur des activités à plus forte valeur ajoutée, augmentant ainsi leur productivité.

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