
Manage all your transport and logistics operations with Ceva ex-Gefco EDI

Connect your business to Ceva ex-Gefco’s B2B EDI platform to automate your transport and logistics exchanges.

EDI exchanges with Ceva ex-Gefco

Would you like to automate your data exchanges with Ceva ex-Gefco from your ERP, WMS or TMS? Connecting to Ceva ex-Gefco’s B2B EDI platform is part of our existing B2Apps catalog on the Orchestrade® platform. Among the B2B messages already supported by the Orchestrade® digital platform:

  • INOVERT: Transport order, Inter-carrier delivery, Transport CR, After-sales service, etc…
  • EDIFACT: Item Master, Warehouse Expectations, Preparation Order, Dispatch Report, Stock, Status/Movement, etc.

Artéva’s B2Apps offering: a complete, scalable catalog

Financial advantages

No additional set-up costs for connecting new partners in Artéva’s B2Apps catalog.

Fast implementation

The Orchestrade® platform is connected to numerous B2B partner platforms. With connections already made, implementation is a snap.

Immediate access to B2Apps in the catalog

By accessing Orchestrade® platform services, you gain access to all the B2Apps in our catalog.

Automate your exchanges

Would you like to automate
your exchanges with Ceva ex-Gefco?

Fill in the form to tell us about your project.



    100% free & no obligation demonstration