Formats outside the minimum base

Since the introduction of EDI, companies have been exchanging dematerialized invoices. Most of these are in EDIFACT format. The reform imposes 3 exchange formats via Partner Dematerialization Platforms (PDP): UBL, CII and Factur-X.

Formats hors du socle minimum

The future of proprietary formats

Large companies and clients who have defined exchange standards with their ecosystem (customers and suppliers) have established and invested in an IT architecture that cannot be completely called into question today.

Indeed, some industrial sectors have created their own standards that meet their business needs. Examples include aeronautics with Supplyon, automotive with Odette (specific EDIFACT standard), optics with Opto34, health with Noemie, etc.

In order to perpetuate the work carried out in recent years to set up these formats while complying with the new legislation, it will be necessary to use them differently.

To address this issue, a new player in the ecosystem provided for by the regulations will be able to exchange in formats other than those provided for in the minimum base, these are the PDPs (Partner Dematerialization Platforms) which will be certified and registered by the State in 2024.

mise en conformité

The role of PDPs such as ARTÉVA in exchanges outside the minimum base

If we take the Y diagram, PDPs play an important role in setting up invoice exchanges between two business partners, regardless of the issue format. We can see that PDPs have the possibility of exchanging invoices directly with each other, that is to say without an intermediary, so it will be entirely possible for them to agree on an exchange format, whether it is from the base or outside the minimum base.

The primary objective of PDPs is to simplify and standardize the electronic invoicing process by being the intermediary recognized by the State, thus meeting the requirements required to obtain their registration as a PDP. The PDP is intended to liaise with the tax authorities on the one hand and their customers and suppliers on the other hand.

Two solutions for sending invoices

If a company wishes to transmit its invoices in other formats (proprietary format), it can do so under certain conditions.

It will issue the invoice in a format agreed with the chosen Partner Dematerialization Platform (PDP), which:


Will translate the invoice into a minimum base format, to send it to the recipient via the PPF.


Will transmit the invoice to another PDP in the same format if the latter is able to extract the data.

In both cases, the chosen PDP is responsible for extracting and transmitting the data required by the tax authorities

ARTÉVA, as a PDP, will be able to process your company’s electronic invoices, whatever the exchange format, while transmitting the necessary data directly to the tax authorities.

Contact our team

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