
From 1 September 2026, the receipt of electronic invoices will become mandatory in France for large companies and mid-sized companies (ETIs). For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises, this obligation will begin on 1 September 2027. All types of companies will have to prepare for the entry into force of the 2026-2027 Finance Act.


Simplify and automate your commercial exchanges with electronic invoicing

Prepare to receive electronic invoices and process the flow of your commercial exchanges with your partners, suppliers and customers as well as with the various contacts within your company. ARTEVA supports you in the transformation of your invoice issuing, receiving and processing service. Opt now for electronic invoicing by setting up a high-performance platform to digitize and automate your commercial exchanges.

Streamline exchanges with your customers, suppliers and partners, while respecting the legal framework of the Finance Act 2026-2027 (finance law for 2021, specified by order 2021-1190 of September 15, 2021). Prepare for e-invoicing (or electronic invoicing) now.

partenaire e-invoicing

Artéva, your E-invoicing partner

Thanks to our experience in the field of dematerialization of invoices and the implementation of commercial exchange platforms for different groups such as Coyote, Casino, Cdiscount, or Feu Vert, ARTEVA has developed unique expertise on the market. We can therefore help you anticipate the entry into force of the French government’s bill with ease.

Transform your business and take the digital transition step by implementing suitable solutions that will allow your company to respond securely to the processing of data contained in your invoices or vouchers. Adopt e-invoicing now and begin your transition to electronic invoicing.

Prepare for the mandatory electronic invoice 2024

Any company subject to VAT will be required to be able to receive an electronic invoice from July 1, 2024. On the same date, all large French companies will have the legal obligation to issue all their invoices in digital format and transmit them to their business partners. ARTEVA helps you set up the dematerialization of your outgoing and incoming invoices.

Electronic Invoicing

Digitize your company’s invoicing management process and speed up the processing of commercial data. ARTEVA takes your needs into account in order to design the electronic invoicing or invoice dematerialization project best suited to your business.

Ordering platform

Manage the exchange of commercial documents with all your partners, suppliers and customers from a single place. Track in real time the sharing of all commercial data concerning you and simplify the administrative work of the departments concerned.

Data Connectors

Automate your e-invoicing and electronic invoice sharing processes regardless of your industry. Simplify document exchanges with a solution that connects applications and on-premises and cloud data in a unified manner. Integrate EDI, API, EAI, Chorus Pro communication modes into your data processing system.

The challenges of electronic invoicing regulations

The implementation by the French government of the obligation for various companies to electronically invoice their services, products and services within the framework of the 2021 finance law aims to:

  • Allow the tax administration to know the activity of companies
  • Simplify the VAT declaration process
  • Fight tax fraud
  • Improve the competitiveness of companies

All companies, regardless of their size, are concerned by e-invoicing. They will have to be able to receive electronic invoices from July 1, 2024. Concerning the issue, however, the French government has determined a timetable for the deployment of mandatory electronic invoicing according to the size of the companies. This timetable for the application of the reform has been defined so that all types of companies and their partners have time to anticipate the reform and can adapt their solutions.

The dematerialization solution for invoices in the private sector proposed by ARTEVA will allow you to receive invoices that comply with the obligations (authenticity, completeness, readability, archiving, etc.) and to issue invoices according to the required format and data. Thus, our solution offers companies many advantages:

  • Electronic invoicing accelerates and simplifies invoice processing
  • Reduced cost of invoice management
  • Improved cash flow thanks to shorter payment processes and fewer errors
  • Better visibility on the invoice life cycle
  • For the supplier invoice, integration into a purchasing cycle with validation
  • For the customer invoice, transmission in the format expected by the buyer
e-invoicing enjeux réglementaire

What is the timetable for implementing e-invoicing in companies?

Originally planned for January 1, 2023, the mandatory dematerialization of invoices has been postponed. Even if all companies will be required to be able to receive electronic invoices from this date, they will not be forced to be able to issue their invoices in this format. Only large companies are subject to this obligation in 2024. Concerning the different types of companies, the schedule is as follows:


ETI (intermediate-sized enterprises)
  • Receipt of electronic invoices: from July 1, 2024
  • Issuance of electronic invoices: from July 1, 2025
  • SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) / VSEs (very small enterprises)


SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) / VSEs (very small enterprises)
  • Receipt of electronic invoices: from 1 July 2024
  • Issuance of electronic invoices: from 1 July 2026

How document scanning works

For processing paper invoices, you have two options:

  • You can continue to receive them, scan them and the Orchestrade solution will take care of extracting the data and integrating them into your ERP.
  • We can also provide you with a postal address and take care of the entire process of processing paper invoices, from opening the envelope to integrating them into your systems.

Contact request

Would you like to know more about E-invoicing?

Do not hesitate to contact our teams to request a quote and let them know about your training needs.