Dematerialization of customer invoices: digitize your outgoing invoicing

Do you want to dematerialize and automate the sending of all your customer invoices to optimize your customer relationship? Discover the Artéva solution to manage all your outgoing electronic invoicing: the Orchestrade® B2B platform.

Dématérialisation factures clients

Our SaaS customer invoice dematerialization solution

Artéva offers the services of Orchestrade®, a B2B digital platform in SaaS mode, to meet your customer invoice dematerialization needs, offering the automation of invoice sending and the centralization of electronic invoicing documents. It allows a connection with all market Information Systems (ERP, WMS, etc.) and proprietary, as well as the transmission of electronic invoices to all your customers via a single interface with your IS. In addition, Orchestrade allows the sending of invoices regardless of the format used (Factur-X, EDIFACT, PDF, XML, etc.) and ensures the electronic archiving of your invoices for 10 years.

Your project to dematerialize customer invoices with Artéva

At Artéva, the dematerialization of your issued and received invoices is centralized on the Orchestrade® platform. The management of your invoices is carried out on a collaborative B2B portal. We address all your partners and we offer you electronic archiving for 10 years.

SaaS electronic invoicing platform

The Orchestrade® platform automates all of your customer invoicing, regardless of the technologies used by your customers.
We support all formats of outgoing invoices: Factur-X, EDIFACT, XML, signed PDF, but also Paper (via publishing center).

Quick connection to your customers’ platforms

With Orchestrade®, you immediately have existing connections with most digital platforms on the market (packaged offer under the name B2Apps).
The digitalization of your customer invoicing is therefore quickly operational.

A collaborative web portal at your service

We provide you with a B2B portal dedicated to submitting customer invoices and monitoring their processing status. It also allows your customers to view and download the invoices intended for them. In the case of a full EDI project, we set up a visualization portal to monitor your customer invoicing.

Legal archiving & electronic signature included

Artéva offers electronic archiving of your invoices for 10 years, as required by current tax regulations. You can easily find, view and download all your customer invoices. We electronically sign your PDF invoices so that they have the same legal value as a paper invoice, supported by a reliable audit trail.

Dematerialize your B2B invoices

The dematerialization of invoices in B2B replaces the exchange of paper invoices with electronic invoices, offering gains in efficiency, reliability, and regulatory compliance, particularly in view of the obligation of electronic invoicing in 2023.

The dematerialization of invoices consists of replacing the process of transmitting invoices in paper format with an automated exchange based on the electronic format. Thus, a dematerialized invoice, or electronic invoice, is an invoice that has been created and sent electronically. This can be based on structured files (such as EDI for example) or unstructured files such as PDF files.

Accounting departments of companies whose invoicing process is not dematerialized encounter many difficulties such as significant processing costs, errors, even late payments or loss of documents. There is also the absence of a reliable audit trail as well as the lack of traceability and visibility.

In this context, dematerializing invoices represents an opportunity for companies. They can benefit from the following advantages:

  • Efficiency: increased productivity thanks to the automation of time-consuming tasks.
  • Reliability: elimination of data entry errors.
  • Speed: acceleration and streamlining of document processing.
  • Profitability: reduction of costs and reduction of payment deadlines.
    All these advantages lead to improved cash flow management and strengthened budgetary management.

The dematerialization of invoices is based on different transmission methods including:

  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) which is based on structured data as well as standardized and secure processes, but which requires that customers also have an EDI solution.
  • The signed PDF which requires an electronic signature based on a qualified certificate and secure device.
  • These two formats are suitable for the tax dematerialization of customer invoices as well as supplier invoices. They ensure compliance with regulations, because they guarantee the authenticity, integrity and readability of invoices. Also, provided that the PDF is in Factur-X format, they meet the requirements of electronic invoicing which will become mandatory in B2B from 2023.

Conversely, so-called “simple” dematerialization which consists of sending unsigned PDF invoices by e-mail, although compliant with current regulations with the establishment of a reliable audit trail, is not compliant with the regulations applicable from 2023. Under these conditions, the tax original to be taken into account is either the printed PDF invoice or the signed PDF invoice for archiving (notion of digital double).

Dématérialisation factures clients - facture sortante

What is the return on investment for the dematerialization of customer invoices? How to calculate it?

The dematerialization of customer invoices is a source of real savings for companies. And the calculation of the associated return on investment (or ROI) inevitably involves an estimate of the cost of the paper format, a definition of the framework for implementing the dematerialized invoice and an assessment of the consequences of such an implementation.


Estimating the cost of a paper invoice

This cost corresponds to the costs of:

  • Creating the invoice
  • Issuing the invoice
  • Enveloping the invoice and stamping the envelope
  • Sending the mail
  • Archiving the invoice
  • For each of these steps, it is necessary to take into account the tangible resources (cost of envelopes, sheets of paper, stamps, etc.) and intangible resources (cost of energy used, cost of human labor, etc.) involved. However, the resources related to the preparation of the invoice, the processing of its payment, or even the management of its recovery are not to be included in the estimate of the cost of the invoice since they are independent of the form of the invoice.

An analytical calculation makes it possible to arrive at a unit cost of “materialization” of invoices of the order of €1.45 excluding VAT to €5.80 excluding VAT depending on the sources.


Define the framework of the dematerialization project

The extent of the gain linked to the “non-materialization” of customer invoices depends on two factors: the cost of electronic invoices and their share in the total number of invoices. The first factor is determined by the rates of the selected operator. The second factor, for its part, depends on the customer portfolio, the services offered by the operator and the possible interconnections. Added to this are the implementation costs and the costs of archiving invoices (if they are not included in the implementation costs).


Identify indirect benefits

The dematerialization of invoices creates both qualitative and quantitative advantages. Among them:

  • Speed ​​of transmission: unlike an invoice sent by mail, an electronic invoice is transmitted in a few seconds.
  • Ease of access to the original duplicate of the invoice
  • Simplicity of sending the duplicate of the invoice
  • Traceability of the invoice: an electronic invoice has end-to-end tracking. The issuer can know which invoices have been received or not received.


Calculate the gain and the ROI

The return on investment (ROI) of the operation is the ratio between the savings allowed and the cost of implementing dematerialization. It is therefore necessary to start by calculating the savings allowed by dematerialization, i.e. the difference between the cost of paper invoices and the cost of electronic invoices.

How to successfully dematerialize your invoices?

The priority is to understand how the professions that will use the solution work (accounting, sales, etc.) and to determine their expectations and needs. The dematerialization of invoices must allow them to overcome the limitations of the tasks to be undertaken (time-consuming entries, redundant tasks, etc.) by streamlining business processes.

It should be kept in mind that not all customers will want to receive their invoice in the same way. Some will opt for receiving an EDIFACT format while others will prefer the Factur-X or signed PDF format. Thus, designing software adapted to the businesses and customers of each company is the best solution to offer.

It is in this sense that at Artéva, we offer to design your tailor-made digital platform. We analyze and model all of your business processes to implement them on our Orchestrade platform. We address all your partners by supporting all outgoing invoice formats: EDIFACT, Factur-X, signed PDF, XML and also Paper (via publishing center). Finally, the Orchestrade platform centralizes all the integration feedback sent by your customers to offer you centralized monitoring!

Dematerialization of customer invoices: the main benefits for your company

Are you still hesitating to embark on a customer invoice dematerialization project? The dematerialization of your customer invoices is not a constraint. On the contrary, it offers you strategic opportunities. The tax dematerialization of customer invoices reduces your internal costs, accelerates your payment process and goes further than simple dematerialization by bringing real legal value to your documents.

Enhanced customer relationship

With electronic invoicing, the invoice transmission time is significantly reduced for a shortened payment process. Our invoice dematerialization platform checks the consistency of data and the presence of mandatory legal notices in order to improve your customer relationship, limit disputes and human errors.

Improved productivity

Relieving your employees from the burden of stuffing and sending invoices via different channels allows them to allocate their time to value-added tasks. They will refocus on their core business, leading to higher productivity from your teams.

Legal value of your invoices certified

By switching to tax dematerialization of invoices (EDI, electronic signature), you guarantee that your invoices are fiscally admissible. Thus, you do not have to maintain your own reliable audit trail.

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