The TradeXpress® Training provided by Artéva – testimony

The TradeXpress® Training Courses provided by Artéva – testimonyLouest of the Digital Day, an event organized by Artéva for several years, various actors have given testimony on services or projects carried out. Find their interview through 5 episodes.

EDIPublié le 13/08/21
Formations TradeXpress®

At the last Digital Day, an event organized by Artéva for several years, various actors gave testimony on performances or projects carried out. Find their interview through 5 episodes:

Report of the testimony of Maxime BERERD – Formations TradeXpress®

Maxime Bererd is a technical consultant and trainer at Artéva; he has a varied work, including RTE development on TradeXpress® with the Designer, EAI projects with the Modeler, management and training/coaching.

It reveals that the most popular TradeXpress® training is Administration and Operation of the TradeXpress® platform, as this helps to better understand how the platform works for users or even those who supervise it, Then there is the TEN and Development module which allows you to learn the language of the software. Finally, communication interfaces such as AS2 or X400 are quite popular topics.

TradeXpress® training is adapted to each context, which allows us to anticipate the problems of the learners and to interest them with cases they will encounter. The training centres are organised in this sense on the platform of the company that requested the training.