Digitization of Chorus Pro invoices: where are you?

In this spirit, the State has made available the Chorus Pro portal to assist you in the dematerialization of your bills for the public service. This way, you reduce the costs and processing times of your invoices while securing your exchanges.

Chorus ProPublié le 15/01/19
factures Chorus Pro

Chorus bills: reminder bite

Regardless of your size, if you are a public sector supplier, you are concerned with Chorus! As a reminder, the DGFP (Public Finance Branch) indicates that electronic invoicing is mandatory, with different deadlines depending on your size.

You are an SME? In this case, time is running out! For you, the obligation has been effective since January 2019. If you are a micro-enterprise or TPE (– with 10 employees), you have until 2020 to choose the most suitable solution for your company.

Chorus Pro factures : que vous recherchiez une solution EDI, XML ou PDF, Artéva répond à vos besoins Chorus Pro

Which solution to choose to manage your chorus pro bills with the state?

Several Chorus Pro solutions exist, but you can choose the option that is most suitable for your bill dematerialization project. Zoom on the different Chorus Pro solutions:

The EDI link

With this 100% automatic solution, optimize the management of your electronic invoices !  Particularly recommended for managing a large number of invoices, the EDI integrates with your information systems and adapts perfectly to your environment.

To put it simply, the IDE allows your ISs to communicate directly with the Chorus Pro portal. You will therefore need to use an external service provider to develop a link between your IT environment and the Chorus Pro portal.

The PDF and XML

With the Chorus Pro deposit area, you can file your invoices in PDF, single or XML format for a batch of invoices to be filed. This method saves you from having to re-enter your invoices in Chorus.

You can also choose a service provider to manage your Chorus Pro invoices in PDF and XML formats for you. This way, your invoices for the public and private sector can be centralized in one place and you will no longer have to deposit them yourself.

Submit an invoice on Chorus Pro

You can manually enter your invoices directly through the Chorus Pro portal. This method costs nothing, but time. It is more suitable for small businesses that do not generate many invoices. However, if you have a large volume of invoices, manual entry will be tedious and you will certainly need to consider changing your method.

You are still hesitating about the most suitable Chorus Pro solution for your company?

You can start by analyzing your needs according to your organization and evaluate the number of invoices that you send to the Public Administration. The more volume, the more it is advisable to call on a company specialized in EDI and/ or dematerialization of Chorus invoices.