TradeXpress® and TradeXpress Infinity® are software packages published by Generix Group. The services provided by Artéva are performed and guaranteed without any partnership with the Publisher.

TMA for Tradexpress® : Third-Party Application Maintenance

So that you can concentrate on your core business, Artéva mobilizes its specialists for the Third-Party Application Maintenance (TMA) of your platform! TMA refers to the outsourcing of Maintenance in Operational Condition, corrective and evolutionary maintenance, and support: we can take care of everything.

TMA Informatique

Setting up your TradeXpress® TMA project

Define the scope of your IT TMA project according to your own needs and organization. You can choose from our range of services, and we’ll adapt to your needs. We can also help you draw up your specifications.
For each new project, we draw up a complete Quality Plan, including all the service operating rules and the level of quality required by the customer. Measurement indicators are included (response times, delivery quality, etc.)!

Interview with Fleur Teyssier, EDI Project Manager and Head of the TMA team at Artéva

Tradexpress® IT TMA: choose the services you need

Together, we define the scope of the TMA you need, based on your own organization and the scope you may already cover. In this true partnership, Artéva brings all its expertise to guarantee maximum availability of the EDI platform.

Maintenance in operational condition

Dealing with anomalies (automatic e-mail alerts) and operating incidents, proposing workarounds, dealing with the editor in the event of anomaly(ies).

Upgrade maintenance

Impact analysis on the implementation of new flows, modification/creation of translation/parameterization programs, unit tests and tests with the partner, production launch.


Ensure that the service is carried out properly and that commitments are met, lead the continuous improvement plan, lead steering committees (quarterly), lead project committees (monthly).

User support

Answers to questions about operating or implementing the EDI platform.

Corrective maintenance

Correction of translation programs and settings, implementation of workarounds.

Find out how to implement Third-Party Application Maintenance

Call on our experts to discuss your application management projects.


TMA Informatique

How does Artéva set up support and maintenance outsourcing?

We have a well thought-out three-step process for setting up your TMA efficiently.

  • Audit of existing platform
  • Drafting of TMA Quality Plan, agreement on deliverables
  • Implementation of network and software resources (VPN set-up, tool configuration)
  • Set-up/validation of alert mechanisms on different environments
  • Training of our TMA team in your company’s context
  • Take charge of incidents and requests under your supervision, so that the Artéva team, already an expert in the TradeXpress platform used in various sectors (Distribution, Transport, Logistics, e-Commerce, Banking/Insurance), can rapidly build up its skills.
  • Carry out services within the defined scope
  • Guarantee service quality and user satisfaction
  • Participate in service improvement

Why choose TMA for your TradeXpress® platform?

As CIO, it’s essential to be able to guarantee the availability of the EDI platform to its users. TMA also enables you to reposition your staff on higher value-added missions. Finally, TMA allows you to benefit from the expertise of Artéva’s teams to deal with complex evolution requests; and the capacity to scale up to absorb a temporary (or permanent) surge in activity.

Regular steering

Monthly project committee
Quarterly steering committee

Comprehensive management

A single contract for all your claims
Simplified administrative management of your claims

Customized follow-up

A dedicated project manager for all your requests
Monthly data extraction with customized KPIs
Proposal for ongoing improvements to your platform

Simplified billing

A single monthly bill
Adaptation of your consumption to your daily package

Our TMA organization

Our teams provide TMA from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on working days. Several levels of SLA and service extensions enable us to meet the most demanding customer requirements.

Level 1

– Handling and resolution of standard tickets

– Resolution of a simple new incident

– Redirection to N2 if the problem is not easily resolved

– Handling requests

Level 2

– Unique tickets requiring expertise

– Specific requests involving development

– Resolution of server incidents

All you need to know about Application Management

In this FAQ, explore all the essential questions that will guide you through the world of Application Management.

La Tierce Maintenance Applicative ou TMA permet une optimisation de votre outil et une gestion complète des dysfonctionnements liés aux flux, messages et documents échangés sur la plateforme EDI/EAI, ainsi qu’une maintenance évolutive de pointe, capable de déployer vos demandes d’évolution très rapidement.
Ce type de prestation rentre dans une logique de performance poussée souhaitée par les décideurs informatiques.
La TMA est là pour les aider les entreprises à garantir une gestion optimale des flux, avec des solutions et une expertise à la hauteur de leurs ambitions.
Si vous avez besoin de recentrer vos équipes informatiques sur leur cœur de métier, de faire évoluer vos applicatifs et de gagner en réactivité face à l’afflux des tickets entrants, il est temps d’opter pour la TMA.

En confiant la maintenance évolutive de leur plateforme à des experts métiers, les équipes informatiques de nos clients peuvent enfin avancer sur des projets transverses.
Avec la TMA, la plateforme est maintenue et supervisée en continu et les tickets sont traités sur une amplitude horaire minimum de 8h30 à 18h30 ou au-delà lorsqu’une astreinte est nécessaire. Les utilisateurs ont donc toujours une réponse rapide et adaptée à leurs enjeux.
Opter pour la TMA, c’est aussi assurer aux DSI et Responsables Techniques un traitement rapide des demandes de déploiements. Pour un Middleware sur-mesure, nos équipes Artéva assurent une coordination en continu entre fournisseurs, clients et équipes métier pour répondre aux besoins réels de tous les utilisateurs.

Request a quote

Need a quote for an IT TMA project?

Find out how Artéva’s experts can help you set up your specific application management needs.
