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Chorus Pro Connector: automate the sending of your invoices

You exchange electronic invoices with the Public Sphere?
The Orchestrade® platform allows you to centrally and securely manage the dematerialization of all your Chorus Pro invoices for public institutions.

Simplify the management of invoices transmitted via Chorus Pro

The Orchestrade® platform can be completely adapted to your context by offering several ways of filing invoices: entering invoices, extracting data from your PDF invoices or fully integrating with your invoicing software.
Whatever the technological maturity of your company, we have the solution!

The control of invoice data is essential to ensure the legal compliance of your invoicing.
Our Orchestrade solution goes much further by checking that the buyer mentioned is of course Chorus Pro, and that the service code is correct if it is needed. By performing these checks before transmission, and giving you the opportunity to correct the data, the solution proposed by Artéva allows to reduce significantly disputes and payment delay.

Our solution combining API and EDI is the most efficient solution to optimize and automate the management of your electronic invoicing Chorus Pro.
Your invoices are centralized and you immediately access the statuses of the life cycle, you save a precious time by managing from Orchestrade disputes.
You can effectively manage your large volumes of invoices.

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orchestrade chorus pro

The benefits of the Orchestrade portal®

Through the Orchestrade® portal, you can track the progress of your invoice processing status in real time until it is put into payment. You also have an automatic daily or customized reporting system. The electronic archiving of your invoices for 10 years guarantees you perfect legal compliance.

At Artéva, we can go further than your project of dematerialization of invoices for public institutions. We offer you to set up your B2B billing portal to manage all your invoice exchanges, B2G or B2B, on the same platform.

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See how the Orchestrade® solution is helping you make significant gains in managing your Chorus Pro invoices.


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