The Orchestrade® B2B platform meets your needs for automation and decompartmentalization of your business processes. With the 2021 Finance Act, from September 1, 2026, all large companies and mid-sized companies (ETIs) must have the capacity to receive dematerialized invoices via a digitalization platform. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises will have to comply with this obligation from September 1, 2027.
In compliance with the general tax code and current regulations, ARTÉVA fulfills the role of OD since it manages the production of original electronic invoices as well as the restitution of invoices, the partner file, the summary list, their signature, their traceability, their restitution as well as their archiving. We support you in your dematerialization process by offering you the solution best suited to your needs.
The invoice dematerialization operator (OD) acts on behalf of its customer, and is responsible for managing electronic invoices, in conjunction with the PDP chosen by the customer. The OD can offer high value-added services to support you in managing these invoices, helping you to guarantee their compliance and security.
However, to exchange invoices or transmit information to the tax authorities, the OD must be coupled with a partner dematerialization platform.
The invoice dematerialization operator is the technical link between a company’s invoicing and/or accounting system and its PDP. On the outgoing side, it creates invoices in compliance with one of the three minimum formats (Factur-X, UBL, CII); on the incoming side, it integrates invoice data directly into the ERP or accounting software.
Unlike partner dematerialization platforms, dematerialization operators are not subject to specific certification, as they are not authorized to issue or receive invoices directly.
But OD can still provide a whole range of services and functionalities to improve sales (O2C cycle) and purchasing (P2P cycle) processes.
Artéva’s OD offer enables direct connection of all the business applications in your information system to the PDP. In a multi-subsidiary context, where several ERP systems may coexist, our offer enables you to centralize all incoming and outgoing invoice flows. This seamless data exchange makes our solution one of the most efficient and reliable choices on the market.
Complete management of the sales cycle (O2C), from the order received and automatically integrated, through to invoice issue and collection status, can be handled by Orchestrade. Similarly, Orchestrade handles the entire purchasing cycle, from order placement to invoice receipt and payment (P2P).
ORCHESTRADE combines the roles of dematerialization operator (OD) and dematerialization platform (PDP), offering you a complete solution capable of meeting all your needs for exchanges with your customers’ and suppliers’ PDPs. It brings you real added value in the management of your invoices to be issued and received, by integrating seamlessly with your business applications and handling all aspects of e-invoicing, the invoice lifecycle and e-reporting.
ARTÉVA provides you with personalized and comprehensive support, analyzing your organization and proposing the most suitable OD/PDP solution, to ensure your compliance with the 2021 Finance Law and the new 2026-2027 regulations.
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