The Public Billing Portal (PPF)

France is experiencing a revolution in the sector of dematerialization of invoices. The French tax administration wishes to go further in the knowledge of the different accounting activities of companies as well as better control VAT.
In this context, from September 1, 2026, the State, based on the Finance Act for 2021, has planned a major transformation for all companies: all companies subject to value added tax (VAT) will have to be equipped with a dematerialization platform to receive invoices in electronic format and transmit the data as soon as their economic exchanges to the State.

Portail Public de Facturation

Orchestrade® by ARTÉVA, a platform compatible with the Public Billing Portal

With the B2B portal offer, the Orchestrade® solution simplifies your billing exchanges with the various administrations as well as your partners, for electronic billing that meets the modernization and regulations put in place by the 2024 Finance Act.

Portail Public de Facturation

The Public Billing Portal (PPF) is an initiative set up by the State to facilitate the management of electronic invoices for companies. Launched under the name “Chorus Pro” in 2017, this portal offers a practical and free way for French companies to transmit, receive and verify the compliance of their dematerialized invoices intended for public administrations.

Designed to meet the varied needs of companies, the PPF offers a basic service that allows the manual entry of electronic invoices. This functionality is particularly suitable for companies that issue a limited number of invoices, thus offering an efficient solution without having to resort to complex electronic document management processes. In addition, the portal offers the possibility of checking the compliance of invoices, thus ensuring the reliability and legality of commercial transactions.

By making this online tool available free of charge, the State aims to simplify administrative procedures and encourage the widespread adoption of electronic invoicing, thus contributing to the modernization and rationalization of commercial exchanges.

The main objective of the Public Billing Portal (PPF) is to provide French companies with a convenient and free solution to manage their electronic invoices. It offers a full range of features and will evolve into a Dematerialization Platform (PDP), thus simplifying the process of managing electronic invoices in the formats required by the tax administration (UBL, CII or Factur-X).

In addition to its main role, the PPF has two additional important functions: it acts as a central hub for critical data transmitted by PDPs, which it then communicates to the tax administration, and it also administers the central directory listing the methods of transmission of electronic invoices for companies subject to VAT.
By replacing “Chorus Pro”, the PPF maintains its importance in B2G commercial exchanges, thus ensuring the continuity and efficiency of electronic invoicing processes between companies and public administrations.

How does the Public Billing Portal (PPF) work?

The Public Billing Portal (PPF) ensures the secure management of billing flows through automated processes and functionalities, thus guaranteeing the accuracy and traceability of transactions. Its main objective is to establish secure exchange circuits between invoice issuers, their recipients and the tax administration.
Here are the main methods used by the PPF to control billing flows:


Authentication and Security Measures

The PPF implements strict authentication measures to ensure that only authorized users can access billing information, thus ensuring data confidentiality and security.


Data encryption

All sensitive information, such as personal data and payment details, is encrypted when transmitted through the portal. This measure ensures that the data remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.


Integration with existing billing systems

The PPF synchronizes with Partner Dematerialization Platforms (PDP), thus enabling the automation of the transfer of billing data, thus ensuring smooth and efficient management of billing flows.

Verification process

Before posting an invoice on the portal, the PPF performs thorough checks regarding mandatory information, amount, format and attachments. In case of errors or missing information, a notification is sent to the issuer for correction before the recipient views the document.

Change History

The PPF records and tracks changes made to invoices, including updates, cancellations or corrections. This helps identify changes made and maintain a complete history of changes, ensuring transparency and traceability of transactions.

Our dematerialized PPF interface solution

The introduction of the PPF is part of a strategy aimed at adopting a “Y” exchange model, allowing alignment with the various existing invoicing circuits and facilitating communication between them.

This “Y” model aims to harmonize the obligation to declare invoicing and payment data for e-reporting with the flexibility of choosing whether or not to use the PPF or another dematerialization solution for e-invoicing.

The PPF, in addition to being offered free of charge, plays an essential role in compliance with the new regulations on electronic invoicing. It offers the possibility of entering or submitting invoices, converting them to the minimum base format required by the recipient, or even receiving invoices directly in the desired format (including Factur-X).

Entering invoices from the public invoicing portal can be laborious, so it is best to start with an invoice file created directly in one of the three minimum base formats. In addition, support solutions are available to facilitate the gradual transition to the dematerialization of your invoicing.


The role of the public billing platform

The public billing portal has 5 main functions:

Free Access

Allow free access for all companies issuing and receiving invoices (private or public).

Evolution of digitalization

Developing the digitalization of invoices initiated with Chorus Pro.

Receiving and issuing invoices

Receiving electronic invoices in one of the 3 minimum base formats (Factur-X, UBL, CII) provided by the administration and issuing (sending virtually) the invoices in question.

Document conversion

Through OCR, convert PDF or image documents into one of the 3 mandatory dematerialized formats, in order to extract the expected invoicing data.

Billing Option

Be able to optionally use the public billing portal for B2B exchanges without having a PDP, while retaining the possibility of using other billing paths.

Accounting Management

Manage ascending accounting with Chorus Pro.

Portail Public de Facturation artéva accompagnement

Artéva supports you on Orchestrade®

No matter the size of your company or the level of progress of your invoice dematerialization strategy, ARTÉVA supports you. Be ready to report your commercial data to the State on the public dematerialization platform (PPF) via our Orchestrade platform. Contact us to speak with one of our invoice dematerialization experts and prepare this major transition in advance!

What is the difference between the public invoicing portal (PPF) and a partner dematerialization platform (PDP)?

Choosing between the free Public Invoicing Portal (PPF) and a Partner Dematerialization Platform (PDP) involves considering several aspects.

The PPF offers free and direct access to a dematerialization solution, which can be attractive for companies looking for a cost-effective option. However, the PPF can be limited in terms of advanced features and personalized support.

On the other hand, opting for a PDP offers several additional advantages. First of all, PDPs are often equipped with advanced business features specifically designed to meet the specific needs of companies. This can include document flow management tools, customization and integration options with existing systems, as well as dedicated support services.

In addition, PDPs typically offer full automation of the invoice transmission and retrieval process. They are able to convert invoices into formats accepted by the PPF, simplifying exchanges with public bodies while ensuring compliance with current regulatory standards. This automation saves time and optimizes the company’s internal processes, while reducing the risk of human error.

In summary, while the PPF may suit those looking for a cost-effective and simple solution, the PDP offers a more comprehensive set of features and support, making it a better choice for companies looking to improve their operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Deadline for the implementation of the reform

The obligation to issue electronic invoices will be: September 1, 2026 for large companies and mid-sized companies (ETI); September 1, 2027 for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) and micro-enterprises.


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