Dematerialization of Supplier Invoicing – Purchase

Maximize the benefits of digital transformation by dematerializing all your supplier invoicing. The solution offered by Artéva optimizes your processing workflows and ensures cost reduction, regulatory compliance, and a significant improvement in the traceability of your purchase invoices

facturation fournisseur

What is the dematerialization of purchase invoices – suppliers ?

The dematerialization of purchase invoices – suppliers primarily involves converting invoices into digital data that can be directly integrated into your ERP or accounting software. No more re-entry! This core function can be complemented by a range of essential features to optimize your processing workflow: management of multiple acquisition sources, invoice centralization, validation process, matching with purchase orders, and creation of payment orders. This helps reduce processing costs, improve traceability and security of financial transactions, while ensuring full regulatory compliance of your purchase invoices.

The benefits of dematerializing supplier purchase invoicing

The digitization and automation of supplier invoice processing optimize your Purchase to Pay process.

Achieve financial savings by automating data integration

Manual entry of purchase invoice data is replaced by automatic integration into your accounting software or ERP, without any re-entry. Freed from this lengthy and tedious task, your teams can focus on invoice verification.

Strengthen relationships with all your suppliers

Automating the dematerialization of your supplier invoicing will optimize your communication with them, prevent re-entry errors, and ensure secure payment deadlines.

Reduce the workload of your teams

This improvement in human resources allows for innovation and business expansion. Teams can focus on high-value-added activities.

Increase the reliability and profitability of your services

Reducing human data entry errors and associated disputes saves time in invoice processing and speeds up transactions.

Ensure regulatory compliance of your supplier invoicing

This transition ensures the preservation of transparency and the security of financial transactions while adhering to regulatory obligations.

To experience these benefits in action

Reach out to our experts to discuss your invoice dematerialization projects.

gestion facturation fournisseur
echanges-simple-gestion facturation

Orchestrade®, a digitalization solution for the Purchase-to-Pay cycle

Our Orchestrade® supplier portal goes beyond your supplier invoice dematerialization project. We provide you with a collaborative portal to automate your entire Purchase to Pay process.

This dematerialization of purchase invoices simplifies and accelerates the processing workflow, reducing manual tasks. It increases reliability, decreases data entry errors, and strengthens relationships with your suppliers, regardless of their size or the method of invoice transmission.

Digitalization through a dedicated portal simplifies communication with your suppliers. This solution allows them to update their administrative and financial information, access contracts and purchase orders, submit their invoices, track processing statuses up to payment, and manage disputes.

The solution eliminates time-consuming tasks such as updating the supplier database, entering invoices, matching purchase orders to invoices, and communicating payment statuses. Your teams can focus on higher-value tasks.

Our electronic invoicing portal simplifies your supplier interactions

The B2B Orchestrade® platform meets all your requirements for dematerializing supplier purchase invoices. It allows you to include all your suppliers in your incoming invoice digitalization project, significantly reducing your teams’ workload.

Improvement of supplier referencing

Involve your suppliers directly in updating your database: the portal facilitates the collection of administrative, financial, and regulatory information (due diligence, certificates of compliance, etc.). Expiration dates of submitted documents are managed, and suppliers are prompted to update them.

Optimization of supplier invoicing processing

The management of contracts, purchase orders, and commitments enables the platform to perform a comprehensive range of pre-validation checks, which can also be supplemented by specific business rules. Your suppliers can be involved in this process to correct any missing or incorrect information.

Sharing payment statuses and managing disputes

Suppliers can track the progress of their invoices until payment is made. In case of a dispute, the supplier is notified, and communication can be established through the portal.

Multi-format acquisition of supplier invoicing

Because your suppliers vary in size and technological maturity, the portal supports all methods of transmission (entry, upload, email, or EDI) and all types of formats:

  • EDI, XML UBL or CII, other structured formats
  • Factur-X
  • Simple PDF or signed PDF
  • Image PDF
  • Manual entry

Everything You Need to Know About Supplier Invoice Dematerialization

In this FAQ, explore all the essential questions that will guide you through the world of electronic invoicing with your suppliers.

Pour le traitement de vos factures papier, Orchestrade® vous propose deux options : Vous pouvez continuer à les recevoir et les scanner, puis Orchestrade se chargera de l'extraction des données et de leur intégration dans votre ERP. Nous pouvons vous fournir une adresse postale dédiée et gérer l'ensemble du processus de traitement des factures papier, de l'ouverture des enveloppes à l'intégration dans vos systèmes.

Le terme "facture numérique" désigne la version dématérialisée d'une facture traditionnelle, englobant à la fois une facture papier numérisée et une facture générée directement sous forme numérique. Cela inclut tout document financier émis et traité électroniquement, qu'il s'agisse de convertir une facture papier en version scannée ou de créer une facture originale en format numérique. Ainsi, la notion de facture numérique couvre un large éventail de pratiques liées à l'utilisation de supports électroniques pour la facturation.

Orchestrade® covers all purchasing and sales processes, from Purchase to Pay to Order to Cash, as well as banking and accounting synchronization. Secured by cutting-edge measures such as ISO 27001 certification, encryption, double authentication and legal archiving, it guarantees the protection of your data. It offers advanced customization with tailor-made business workflows, adaptable KPIs and proprietary interfaces, while being economically advantageous thanks to a pricing model based on actual consumption. Ergonomic and collaborative, it facilitates the use and sharing of data between partners. In addition, Orchestrade® integrates seamlessly with your existing information system, including ERP, accounting, banking management, and customer, supplier and product repositories, making it a complete, secure, customizable, economical, user-friendly and well-integrated solution.

Orchestrade® est une plateforme numérique avancée conçue pour optimiser vos processus métiers. Orientée vers la gestion des processus, elle utilise la norme BPMN 2.0 pour modéliser et exécuter des flux métiers, permettant une interaction fluide entre vos partenaires et collaborateurs internes et externes. La flexibilité de la solution est un atout majeur : nous créons un portail collaboratif B2B sur-mesure, adapté aux besoins spécifiques de votre entreprise, tout en offrant un accès instantané aux plateformes numériques de vos partenaires déjà connectés à Orchestrade®. Collaborative par essence, Orchestrade® centralise et gère les documents commerciaux, permettant un suivi détaillé des traitements, un partage en temps réel des données métiers, ainsi que la saisie, la lecture et le téléchargement des documents en ligne. Orchestrade® se distingue par son approche omnicanale, intégrant et diffusant des documents à travers divers canaux, et se connectant à de multiples plateformes partenaires. La solution est également multi-systèmes et multi-protocoles, compatible avec divers logiciels de marché et formats de données. Évolutive, cette plateforme vous permet d'optimiser ou d'élargir vos processus métiers sans remettre en question votre portail B2B, assurant une adaptation continue à vos projets de digitalisation.

La dématérialisation des documents, en particulier la transition vers la facture électronique, offre plusieurs avantages. Elle réduit considérablement la quantité de papiers en numérisant tous les documents de l'entreprise. Cette réduction se traduit par un gain de temps important dans la gestion administrative, car la facture électronique élimine le besoin de manipuler du papier, simplifiant toutes les étapes du processus, de l'édition à l'envoi et à l'archivage, qui se réalisent désormais en quelques clics. En outre, la facture électronique permet de réduire les coûts liés à l'émission des factures de 50 à 75 %, en supprimant l'impression, l'envoi et le stockage des factures physiques, ce qui engendre des économies significatives sur les consommables, et réduit l'impact environnemental de la facturation. Enfin, elle améliore le contrôle du processus de facturation, facilitant un suivi plus rigoureux des documents et simplifiant la relance des factures impayées et l'envoi de rappels aux clients.

La facturation électronique est obligatoire pour toutes les transactions B2B soumises à la TVA en France, avec une obligation de réception pour toutes les entreprises, suivie par une obligation d'émission progressive jusqu’en 2025 selon la taille des entreprises.

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